Senin, 12 Juni 2023

Plane to Medan

I'm in shock.
If I don't step forward I will always remain in the same place.
I'm a true friend. I understand your past, believe in your future, and accept you today just the way you're.

Pain can make me stronger.
Fear can make me braver.
Heartbreak can make me wiser.

Life is going to give me just what I put into it. Put my whole heart in everything I do.
If I don't challenge myself, I will never realize what I can become."
When I'm happy, I enjoy the music. But, when I'm sad, I understand the lyrics.
I'm your friend. I can see the truth and pain in you.
I don't trust your words, I trust your actions.
Sometimes the more I get to know you, the more attractive you become.
My money helps me be who I really am.
The day I can't forget.
When I write the story of my life, I don't let anyone else hold the pen.
I stop trying hard for people who aren't even worth my time.
This is my fear of being forgotten or ignored by someone who I strongly care about.
Explaining my feelings to someone is never easy.

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